Thursday, 7 January 2010

Pigs in the snow

Have spent the past two days walking over to Long Ashton to feed the
pigs. The snow has made driving impossible - they live at the top of a
very long and winding road and conditions have been treacherous -
even Poppy the dog, with four-leg drive, had problems. We encountered
more than one car slithering back down the hill, gently out of
control. The upside has been crossing Ashton Court at 7am under a
blanket of virgin snow - we could have been the only beings in the
world - it was utterly magical!

The pigs seem entirely unconcerned by the weather, but they definitely
await our arrival now - as we round the corner of the barn, Myfanwy's
snout is poking out of her ark, tasting the air to see what we've
brought (lemon cake this evening) and the two female piglets, in their
own pen now that all have been separated from their mother, are
extremely vociferous, squealing and grunting for attention. It was so
cold the water in their troughs was frozen solid and I had to break
the ice with a sledgehammer. I took them 10 kilos of bananas which Reg
the Veg had thrown out and they scoffed the lot in seconds.

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